Hake gutted 500/800 g (1.4 kg package)

Hake gutted 500/800 g (1.4 kg package)

In stock


Please note that the goods are by weight. The price of the goods is only indicative. You pay for the actual weight of the goods

13 in stock

Free delivery from 2000 Кč
SKU: 95606669228014 Category:

Additional information

Size 500-800 g
Package weight approx. 1.4 kg (weight 100%)
Ingredients Hake
Origin Argentine
Expiration at least 12 months
Weight 60097262434 kg

Hake gutted 300/500


Please note that the price is for 1.4 kg and is converted according to the exact weight (139 CZK / 1 kg)


Why do we like hake?

Ocean Food offers frozen hake at an affordable price.

Other names of fish – sea pike, silver hake.
It belongs to the same order as cod, but to the hake family. A predatory, silver-gray fish with an elongated body, having a large mouth with pointed teeth, the head resembling a pike.

Hejk is a medium-sized fish (35 to 65 cm and weighing up to 1.5 kg). Depending on the species, it grows up to 130 cm.

Hake is a table fish variety that ranks first in industrial sea fishing. Hejk belongs to the hake family, in Europe it is recognized as the best of cod breeds. Hey meat is white and tender, cheap and lean, easily digestible, widely used in nutrition. Hake is rich in macro and micronutrients, it contains a large amount of vitamins. Hake is rich in vitamins B, PP, C, E, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

An interesting fact was discovered by Spanish experts from the University of Almería. Their study of caviar in 15 marine animals revealed the highest concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in the caviar of three fish species: hejka, anglerfish and salmon.

Where is hake hunting?

Hake lives in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 200 to 1000 m. The hake is caught in Argentina, Uruguay, New Zealand, Chile, the USA and Norway.

The hake caught and frozen directly on the ship at sea is of high quality. 90% of the hake meat is processed in offshore factories and only 10% on board the ship. In Europe, hake is considered the best representative of cod.

How to prepare a hake?

White, lean meat is firm, tasty, boneless, the head is often used for soup. All adjustments suit him, just like cod. It tastes great cold with homemade mayonnaise.

Hake is widely used in the kitchen. Hejk has several advantages that might interest you. On the one hand, it has tasty white meat, is easy to fillet and does not contain bones. You can adapt it to all conceivable ways of preparation: fillets, fish skewers or fondue. Hake can be grilled, baked and smoked. According to some, the tastiest hake is fried. To prepare a delicious fish dish, just defrost the hake, drizzle with lemon juice and fry on both sides in a hot pan.

Due to the fact that it is a fish with a small number of bones, minced meat is often made from meatballs.


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